Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday, Monday

Just a quick post before I toddle off to work. I'm still feeling a little sick from the staph infection I contracted, but it is going to take a while for it to get out of my system. I think the antibiotic cocktail is what is knocking me off my feet.....

The neighbors were out planting stuff in their yard this weekend and I really wanted to join them in the planting spree, but maybe next weekend. I did go buy really cool flower seeds at Target--does that count? I want to get some rather large pots for the front of the house. It looks blank out there.

I am going to start a second quilt this evening. My first one is still over at Sue's waiting to be stitched. It seems like we just haven't been able to get in stitching time lately. I may have to pick it and my other machine up so I have everything here and she can come over here to stitch.I'd like to finish it this summer. The project quilt will use a couple charm packs (A Little Romance by Moda) but will be joined by 2 1/2 wide strips in between. The charm squares are pretty pastel, which is not something I usually go for---however I am joining them with a clear vivid yellow. You would think it would be too bright, but it actually works really well to bring out the colors in the charm squares.

Gotta run off to work. Have a great day!

1. My family
2. A bigger home
3. My health (even as shaky as it has been lately)

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