Monday, September 03, 2007


Cute man and one of the boys flew to OK City to have lunch with my sister in law who is visiting from New Mexico. She and her fiance are expecting a little one--her pregnancy has definitely flown by quickly! I had a Eureka moment last night when I realized the timing on the beginning sweater class at Twist couldn't be better. I should be able to finish my baby sweater in plenty of time to do a couple more and get the technique down before the baby arrives. It also gives me time to do a small crib quilt....

I stayed here at the house to study my Japanese since we have a quiz tomorrow. I have got to start making at least an hour a day to study my Japanese and my math! I am doing my math class online. I'm not too crazy about the format, but I will give it a run for this semester. I may just be one of those people who learns best in the classroom.

I love my Japanese class, but have discovered it is much easier to learn a foreign language when you are younger! We went to Border's this weekend and picked up a couple hirigana workbooks. I think Border's has a much better foreign language section than Barnes and Noble. And their coffee bar is better. The food at Barnes and Noble is really bad! I had a cupcake the other night that was so stiff and artificial tasting it was was much easier to not eat it...

1 comment:

Melanie said...

You have no idea how sad I was to get this email last night. Boy – I wish I had gotten it last Thursday. Let’s keep in touch…and I’m going back next year. I’ll treat lunch and you can drive. I don’t have any quilting friends at home so this would be a treat. I drove pass Red Hen’s Quilting and Scrapbooking (I think that was the name). We’ll have to make plans.

Keep quilting,
Covered Porches and Wooden screen Doors.