Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day,,,,

Hubby and I actually slept in late today. It was great! We got up and went to a diner for a late lunch and then to the public library. Unfortunately the library closes at 5:00 on Sundays, and we only had an hour to peruse the shelves, but I did find a honkin' big stack of books to check out.

We have been in this house for almost a year and I have decided to get serious about the decorating and taking care of it. I intend to scour thrift stores and flea markets for chair and stuff that can be fixed up for relatively little with a little paint and fabric, and other little things to feather the nest. I am planning to get the library area completed this week since we actually have guests coming for the boys' 8th grade graduation on the 20th. Nothing like a deadline to get me going....

Tomorrow I will concentrate on getting some cleaning done and finally getting around to baking the no knead bread from the New York Times article. I bought a 6 qt enamel coated cast iron dutch oven this past week. The price was a bit much, but I can see that I will use this a lot for other things such as stew and soups. I think it will pay for itself.

I did break down and order the Artisianal Bread in 5 minutes a Day book--Amazon had it for $16+, which is cheaper than it's cover price, but after a little searching, I actually found it for $9.99 (shipping included!) from the book club I subscribe to. It used to be called Zooba, but now it is BOMC2....You put books on a list in the order you want them sent to you (they auto send once a month from your list, but you can order more any time). I have been really pleased with the books I've been able to get from them. I have saved a large amount off the regular price for a lot of books I wanted to buy anyway. I just have to be careful not to hit the BUY NOW button a still adds up if it isn't in the budget..However, for what I have bought, this is a great way to save money.

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